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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Faith, for_children: n"
Plan B Essays that reveal the Christian author's idiosyncratic faith as she finds tiny bits of hope and rebirth in her own experiences.
When Jesus Came to Harvard Relates the stories of Jesus and stories about him to some of the most nettlesome ethical and moral conundrums of our times.
A Faith Worth Believing Ventures out of the cramped and confining beliefs of parochial Christianity into more expansive and mysterious territory.
The Geography of Faith A series of conversations held by the authors about alternative family structures, university life, church hierarchy, professional life, and Berrigan's explanations of his actions.
Consuming Faith A hard-hitting ethical work that deserves a wide reading.
Clarence Jordan Sermons and translations from his Cotton Patch version of the New Testament.
Open Secrets Presents the soul-stretching riches of Judaism, its keen insights into human nature, wonderful rituals, and diverse spiritual practices.
Celebrating Life Lifts up and affirms what is best in religion.
Martin Luther A rounded and revealing portrait of the controversial religious reformer.
Alfred Delp, SJ The spiritual thoughts of the German Jesuit who was executed by the Nazis in 1945.